International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing

ISSN 2191-2734

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In. J. of Knowledge and Language Processing Archive of Vol. 3-4; 2012

What are the Basic Units of Mandarin Chinese Discourse?

Li Rong and Wang Hongjun

The Corpus Construction and Parsing Technology Based on Chinese Semantic Dependency(PDF)

Shao Yanqiu, Liang Chunxia and Mao Ning

Spatial Relation Extraction Based on Multi-label Classification(PDF)

Xiang Lean, Zhou Junsheng and Qu Weiguang

The Quantifier-Cooperating Adverbs in Modern Chinese(PDF)

Xia Jun and Cui Xiaofang

Research of a SE-Aided Location Name Recognition Post-processing Module(PDF)

Xu Chao and Tang Xuri